This Anthro Life



This Anthro Life

Por Missing Link Studios
En S9-3645

The Power and Manipulation Behind Free Platforms and Search Engines

How do the hidden costs of technology, like social media and search engines, shape our lives in...

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Polyamory, Fidelity, and the Transforming Landscape of Sexual Norms With Leanne Wolfe

How do societal norms and personal experiences intersect in shaping our understanding of love and...

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Disrupting Venture Capital and Government for Global Good

How can entrepreneurial spirit redefine traditional career paths and drive societal change...

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Reimagining Career Trajectories: Insights from Anthropology, UX, and the Written Word

Reimagining Career Trajectories: Insights from Anthropology, UX, and the Written Word How can...

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The Anthro Poet: How Adrie Kusserow Weaves Stories with Science

How does poetry help us understand people better, using words that touch our hearts and reveal...

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The Ethics of Influence and Conversation with Michael Reddington

How does understanding the psychology behind lying enhance our ability to unravel the truth in...

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An Anthropologist's Perspective on Nonviolent Communication Through Art of Listening

Have you ever wondered how anthropology intersects with personal growth and academia? In this...

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Investigating Superorganisms and The Collective Intelligence of Humans

What fascinating parallels exist between the structure of bees in a hive and the potential for...

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Turning Wounds into Wisdom: The Power of Storytelling with Sussi Mattsson

Have you ever pondered how acknowledging and reframing past trauma could be transformative? In...

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The Impact of Community-Centered Preservation on Micronesian Culture

How is the delicate balance between recording Micronesian cultural heritage, addressing community...

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The Fight To Save Cultural Memory With Charles Henry

How can we use CLIR's help to protect our cultural heritage during climate change? Could telling...

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Is Tech the Future of Funeral Services?

How is technology transforming end-of-life care experiences, and why are AI and automation...

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Black Grief, White Grievance: Power, Loss, and Political Mobilization in America

Why does democracy inherently involve loss, and how do black grief and white grievance shape the...

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How Ethnographic Research is Shaping the Future of Insight in Business and Technology

How can businesses effectively integrate insights from social sciences like psychology and...

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From Taboo to Understanding: Carol Queen's Advocacy for Sex-Positive Mindset

Have you considered the untold stories in our perceptions of sexuality? How do community...

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Redefining Accessibility, Inclusion, and Human Rights with Victor Pineda

How does the interplay between big systems-level questions and fundamental human questions in...

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From Chaos to Clarity: How to Challenge Misinformation with James Mawhinney

What are the consequences of misinformation on personal relationships, business operations, and...

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The Path to Long-term Happiness: A New Theory on Mental Health and Neurodiversity

The traditional view of mental health often focuses on the absence of mental illness, but a new...

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The Search for Dignity and Respect: An Exploration of Human Universals

How do narratives shape our understanding of shared human experiences like dignity and respect?...

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The Trillion Dollar Plan to Transform Waste: Dan Nienhauser’s Vision for a Cleaner Future

In the episode of This Anthro Life, the dialogue investigates waste transformation and how waste...

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